Be prepared for anything – everyone in business knows that things will go wrong at times. Clients need to be kept in the loop and advised of progress, good or otherwise, especially if there is a likely delay or problem. We own our client’s problem even if it is not our role or fault. We each aim to be their person that gets things sorted. If we can’t, we find someone who can
It’s all about the long term relationship – we are determined to build long term relationships with our clients. For Employee Matters ‘long term’ means ten to twenty years and beyond. We want our clients to recommend us without having to ask, however we will ask for referrals too! We would like our clients to be happy to write testimonials for usShare our stories – everyone loves a story much more that listening to statistics or benefits; we share our experience with our client through real-life examples. We obviously do not mention names, as this information is confidential and our client must feel confident that our integrity is without question. Shared stories create shared meaning; it also helps the client to understand that it is not just them experiencing this issue; others have and we helped them!
A simple thank you – this is basic good manners but paramount to the way we act and do business. Manners go an exceptionally long way and will be remembered by clients for a long time. A simple thank you, either in words, a gesture, a note or a gift; it’s a great way to remind the client that they really do matterNatasha Hawker owns Employee Matters Pty Ltd; an HR Consultancy that assists small to medium businesses with their HR functions to make them more efficient and profitable. Their offering includes HR Management, Recruitment, Training, Coaching, and Exit Management – find them at